RFP - Municipal Auditor

town seal (003)

The Town of Winslow invites qualified independent public accountants to submit proposals for the performance of an audit of its financial accounts and records covering a term of three fiscal years for the purpose of rendering an auditor's opinion regarding the fairness of applicable financial statements and compliance with applicable legal provisions, in accordance with generally accepted auditing principals. The contract would commence July 1, 2023, with the FY2023 audit and continue through June 30, 2026, with the FY2026 audit.

The Town of Winslow is a community of approximately 7,900 residents with an annual operating budget of $30 million. Town funds include General Fund, Sewer Fund, Capital Fund, TIF Funds and Grants. The School is a department of the Town and is included in the Town’s CAFR.

The Town uses Munis financial software.

Audit Requirements
The Town of Winslow contracts with Hank Farrah Consulting, LLC to provide pre-audit services. These services will not be required of the Auditor and include:
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with GASB Standards,
  • Preparation of schedule of expenditures of federal awards in accordance with Uniform Guidance requirements,
  • Assistance with preparation of the management’s MD&A,
  • Compilation and organization of supporting documentation to the financial statements, and
  • End-of-year account balance reconciliation.
These services render most of the detailed data compilation included in a municipal audit complete prior to handing information off to the Auditor. Services the Town needs the Municipal Auditor to provide include:
  • Auditing of all pre-prepared financial statements in accordance with GASB Standards and the requirements of the State of Maine Department of Audit and Title 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5823,
  • Certification that the financials are free from fraud, abuse or waste,
  • Verification if internal controls and compliance,
  • Verification of Uniform Guidance compliance,
  • A written report, containing an expression of opinion regarding the financial statements of the municipality,
  • A management letter, which shall identify management and internal control weaknesses, if any, and propose steps to correct them,
  • A brief presentation of the final audit at a public Town Council meeting, and
  • Provision of 8 hard copies and an electronic copy of the final Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) no later than thirty (30) days after completion of the Audit.
The CAFR should be completed by January 1 of each year for the prior fiscal year. Any inability to meet this deadline must be communicated to the Town Manager at the earliest possible date to allow communication with various reporting entities that require the Town’s financial reports.

Instructions for Proposals
Proposals will not receive consideration unless submitted in accordance with the following instructions to bidders. Please mark sealed envelopes plainly: “Municipal Auditor RFP #2023.”  All proposals should include:
  • Name, address, phone number and website of the legal firm.
  • A brief description of your firm and its municipal experience and a description of the senior personnel to be assigned to the engagement, including their resumes.
  • A brief description of the audit procedures to be followed, presented in a form, which will aid in evaluating your firm’s understanding of local governments and their financial problems.
  • The maximum total fee your firm will charge for the requested services. Final payment shall become due only after the submission of all required reports.
  • Any other information which will aid the Town in evaluating your firm’s proposal and qualifications.
The Town Manager shall evaluate the proposals on the basis of the qualifications, experience, and audit plan of the audit firms, as well as the estimated cost of the engagement. The Town Manager may wish to conduct oral interviews with the firms considered most qualified in order to assist the municipality in the selection process. The Town Manager will then present the top three proposals to the Winslow Town Council to make a final selection.

The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, and to accept any proposal that it may deem to be in the best interest of the Town and to negotiate the terms and conditions of any proposal leading to execution of a contract.

Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be directed to Erica LaCroix, Town Manager, elacroix@winslow-me.gov. A link to prior year audits and the bid form are below. Please submit your proposal to the Town of Winslow by 2:00 p.m. Thursday, April 6, 2023. Proposals must be delivered to the Winslow Town Office at 114 Benton Ave, Winslow, ME 04901, or electronically to the email address above, on or before the date and time appointed. No proposals will be accepted after the time and date listed above. Proposals will be opened publicly at 5:00 p.m. on that date.

Printable pdf document
Bid Form
Town of Winslow Budget Page (to view prior CAFR reports)